General Supermarket Safety

   Online safety training

Please enter your information below to begin training.

Fire Protection

ASG’s online training has helped many grocers improve customer and employee safety!

Ultimately decreasing costs and improving results.

Safe Lifting and Mechanical Aids

  • More cost efficient than traditional training options.
  • Scheduling….. Train on your own schedule.
  • Our online training is available 24/7.
  • Training using graphics, narration and employee interaction.
  • There is no cost for ASG customers!
  • Can reduce claims frequency and indirect costs.
  • Help reduce your Experience Modifier.

Store Name*

Commercial Kitchen Safety

Employee Name*

Grocery Store Insurance

Training Login

Store Location*

  • Great orientation for new employees.
  • All courses are designed with the fundamentals of supermarket safety in mind.
  • Each course can be used for re-training as well.
  • Additional courses coming soon!

If you are interested in testing your employees  please download the test and answer key below.

Grocery Store Insurance, Grocery Insurance, Grocery Insurance Program, Grocery Store Insurance Program

Slips, Trips and Falls

Discipline + Speed = Win